Rules & Regulations

The international piano competition Euregio Piano Award will take place in Geilenkirchen from 25th July - 03rd August 2025. The competition is open to pianists of all nationality. All music must be performed from memory. All stages of the competition are open to the public. The decisions of the jury are final, in case of differences of interpretation of the competition Regulations, the German text will be held as definitive.


Contestants are kindly advised to make travel arrangements individually. Hotel recommendations will be announced soon.




- It is allowed to record seperate complete pieces, they can be also from different dates. Complete pieces needs to be recorded in one take.


- Only Video Recordings on Grand Pianos are allowed.


- The Video Recording must be done between 2024 & 2025 (until 20th May 2025).


- Please upload and submit the video recording files via link using youtube and sent the link.


- Please name the uploaded file in the following order:

Euregio Piano Award 2025, name, surname, Pre Selection Round;


The program can be put into the discription.


- The Competition reserves the exclusive rights to re-upload the video submitted by contestants for marketing or any other promotion.


- Max. 75 Pianists are been choosen to pass the selection round of the Euregio Piano Award 2025



General Conditions & Rules

  •  The whole repertoire must be played by memory. Scores of contemporary repertoire (2 copies) in semi final should be given before each performance to the jury.
  • participants are not allowed to repeat any of the pieces that they already played in 1st Round for the semi final. Pieces from the Video Pre-Selcetion Round can be repeated in the 1st round or semi final.
  • The jury can interrupt the performance if the max. time limit has reached.
  • Regarding the repertoire of free choice: Participants are allowed to play single movements of pieces.
  • The Jury can decide to not award or to share prizes.
  • If one finalist is not able to play the complete piano concerto, he will be disqualified.
  • The decision of the jury is final and will not be subjected to reviews or appeals.
  • All necessary documents for participation must be received by the Competition Secretary by email  on May 20th 2025 at the latest.
  • Each competitor is responsible for all costs that may be incurred by participation in the Competition.
  • A competitor may only alter his/her programme for any stage of the Competition by informing the Competition Secretary of the change by 20th of June, 2025.
  • For Participants under 18 years with an extraordinary quality and certificate of Winning in a well-known international competition can be determine an exception for taking part in Euregio Piano Award 2025.


No appeal shall be possible against decisions by the Jury or by the Competition Directors. The Konzertdirektion Koltun gUG (organisation of the EUREGIO PIANO AWARD 2025 is sole holder of the rights to all video or audio recordings and Internet broadcasts in all stages of the Competition. Competitors cede to the Konzertdirektion KOltun gUG, without remuneration, the rights to the following:

    a) performances of works during the the whole Competition
    b) performances of works during the concerts for participants and the final-concert
    c) photographic and recorded images taken during participation in the Competition and the concerts.

    These rights are unlimited in time and space for the following purposes:
    - recording
    - reproduction (all forms)
    - trading
    - placing on computer memory, internet or other networks
    - public play-back and performance
    - exhibiting
    - screening
    - renting
    - leasing
    - broadcasting by wired or wireless sound or vision by terrestrial or satellite stations
    - simultaneous and integral radio and television transmission and retransmission.

The exploitation of these rights in the ways set out above will be carried out by individuals, firms, radio and television stations and record labels authorised to do so by the Konzertdirektion Koltun gUG.


For reasons of competition planning the competitors are required to report in time.


All prize winners are obliged to take part in the Final Concert and to be present at the distribution of prizes. Should a prize winner not appear, he/she can lose the claim to prizes; on such matters the Management of the Competition shall decide.

All organizational decisions concerning the Competition remain the responsibility of the Competition Management. The Management reserves the right to make all final decisions in the event of any misunderstanding.


The application fee cannot be returned after application deadline. The application Fee should be paid together with the application. The fees for the main category are: 60 euros for the Pre-Selection Round + 110 euros for the candidates that will continue the competition.


In some cases foreign competitors will need visas. Applicants should consult the nearest German Embassy or Consulate for advice. The participants will get in official invitation letter, which they can use to apply the visa.


By sending the application form the participants declare that they approve the terms and conditions mentioned in the regulations.